Sunday, February 14, 2010

Ask me anything

Monday, January 18, 2010

The BIGGEST YouTube Community New Year's Resolutions/Goals Video for 2010!

Yay!! im in this WL Community colab video about our goals and resolutions for 2010!! :D im so excited!!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Today's AWESOME workout!!

Okay folks, so today’s workout was intense!! And I burned more calories than I have ever before on a single session, 400 calories!!! So I decided to share the workouts I did with Jacob earlier this morning. It was definitely an excellent session!!

Down here im going to list all the movements I did, as well as links to videos in case you don’t know what they are. Some of the ones I did were slightly different to the demonstration but I tried to get the closest I could find.

After I finished with my session I did 25 minutes of spinning and bumped up my calorie burning to 662 burning 268 on the bike. It was a GREAT day!

10 minutes of rowing for my warm up

3 sets of 12 - hyper extension lower back/ab work

3 sets of 12 - cable woodchopper twists

3 sets of 12 – leg press with 135 lbs.

3 sets of 12 – barbell squats with no weight on a BOSU balance trainer
3 sets of 12 – barbell squats with 5 lbs on a BOSU balance trainer
3 sets of 12 – barbell squats with 15 lbs on a BOSU balance trainer

3 sets of 12 - low level box plyometric jumps

3 sets of 12 - step plyometric leg lift on a balance ring
I couldn’t find a video to demonstrate this one. Boo… but basically what it is, you step up on a low level box and raise your knee up to the level of your waist, hold for 2 seconds and go down to the floor. Jacob put a balance disc on the box/step to engage my core and make me work harder.

I really hope this helps you guys!! :) Enjoy and have a wonderful day!!

Much love,

Monday, January 11, 2010

How To Get Abs Like MTV's "The Situation"

great workout!!!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Welcome 2010!

I have abandoned this blog for way too long. Even though I do enjoy writing, I have not made time to sit down and put together some blog entries. If you follow me on twitter then you more or less know what has been going on in my life, twitter is like a quick blog of my everyday tasks and adventures, although I try not to over-post things that seem useless or just a plain waste of time. I try to always post something that will make my followers think about current goals, future goals, or unfinished goals. I try to tweet about something that will motivate my followers to get to the gym and workout or to have a healthy breakfast, lunch or dinner.

2009 is over and a new year is beginning. I could not be more excited to start 2010. I have all my goals set in my head already. 2009 was a year of growth. I learned so much this past year, training with Jacob, going to the gym almost every day, taking over 200 spinning classes, lifting over 1000+ lbs of weight. (Not all at once, of course), it really made me a completely different person. I have become someone I never though I’d be. Honestly, today I have no idea how I ever lived without working out. It is such an essential, crucial part of me now, just like food or water. When it comes to working out and losing weight to reach that dream body you can only win against genetics up to a certain point. Once you understand this, you can let go of unreachable goals and replace them with real ones. What goals have you set for 2010? (Realistic, specific ones that are accomplish-able) I would love to hear some of them.

Monday, October 5, 2009

If you have a pear shaped body & hold weight on hips...

I got this customized plan from Jillian Michael's website. it was free and i thought very helpful too. :)

Here's Your Customized Weight Loss Plan:

Based on your answers, here's my triple-threat plan for you. My online program makes weight-loss simple, with real solutions for people who want to lose weight and keep it off.


You're a Pear — but you can pare down!

Sweat Like all pears, you tend to store fat in your lower body, so you're probably carrying extra weight around your hips, buttocks, and thighs. Anyone can be a pear, but this shape is more common among women, and it actually evolved because fat stored in these areas aids in fertility and breast-feeding. It's an interesting fact — but I know as well as anyone that this type of fat is harder to lose.

Not to worry! I have exercises that will target your fat storage areas. My personalized program will help you alter your pear shape. But you got to get a grip — you can only win against genetics up to a certain point. Once you understand this, you can let go of unreachable goals and replace them with real ones.

I'll create your personalized exercise program based on the days you prefer to work out, the goals you set for yourself, and the exercises you enjoy. After all, if you enjoy your workout, it's easier to stick to.

I'll encourage you to:

Have fun aerobic dancing! Depending on intensity, you could burn 500 calories an hour.

Cycle — indoors or out. At 13 mph, you could burn 600 calories an hour.

Use the elliptical trainer. This machine is great because it’s easy on your joints and it allows you to focus on different muscles. Maximize your session by using the movable handles.

Power walk. You can do it anywhere, and at 4 mph, you’ll be burning at least 250 calories an hour.

Run indoors or out. All you need are good running shoes. And at 5 mph, you’ll burn over 400 calories an hour.


You're a balanced oxidizer.

Because you crave fruit and bread as well as salty foods, cheeses, and meats, you may be a balanced oxidizer. This is the fancy term for your metabolic rate. It simply means that you need equal proportions of protein, carbs, and fat to process the nutrients in your food optimally, and to produce and use the resulting energy. Lucky you — your diet is the easiest to follow! You feel your best on a diet that incorporates a wide range of foods, and your ideal macronutrient ratio is 40% carbs, 30% protein, and 30% fat.

But the bottom line is, you have to burn more calories than you take in. That's it. And to really do this successfully, you have to eat the ideal diet for your body and metabolism. Believe me — I've struggled with this myself. And I've done a lot of research and work to figure out my ideal diet. And now I want to share my findings with you. I have recipes and snacks that will help you eat better for your body type. And I have secrets and tricks to make it easier. (I didn't say "easy.")


My 7 steps to behavioral modification

Lots of so-called "experts" talk about willpower. Well, I say screw willpower — there's no such thing! Sure, we all have fleeting moments of bravado. But that virtue comes and goes. I'm going to teach you some basic techniques to change your habits and program yourself against failure!

You are going to have to do the work, though. I don't want to hear that you don't have the time. If that's your excuse, then get back to me when you're ready. I'll be here.

Ready? Okay, good. Let's make some changes together:

1. Avoid dangerous situations. STOP driving by the doughnut shop on your way to work. When you go out to dinner, ask the waiter not to bring bread to your table.

2. Get a hobby. Start taking your dog on longer walks. Fix up your attic. By focusing on positive activities, you'll find yourself becoming more relaxed, happier, and thinner!

3. Curb mindless eating. Don't eat while standing up, and don't skip meals. Brush your teeth after every meal and snack. Food never seems as appealing when you have that toothpaste taste in your mouth.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Here is what I am doing to lose weight...

I am currently training with a personal trainer 3x a week, before or after my session and before or after spinning I do 15-20 minutes of running/sprinting, then spinning 3x a week, I’m trying to get in at least 50-100 sit-ups every night before bedtime. Also, yesterday I tried Jillian Michael's 30-Day Shred. Which I loved! I weighed myself this morning and was at 142.5. I weighed 144 on Wednesday so I have lost 2.5 lbs this week. :)

Your nutrition is the most important part of weight loss, no matter how much exercise you do if you have a bad, unbalanced diet or you skip meals you will not lose good weight (body fat) as fast or at all. You will only lose that muscle you have worked so hard on getting.

The body requires 2 portions of carbs to survive. One portion feeds the brain, after the brain gets its nutrients from the carbs it sends out signals to the body to grab food for the muscle, that’s what the second portion or carbs does, it feeds the muscle.

But if you are trying to burn fat and tone the muscle then you only eat one portion of carbs per meal, so that when the brain gets its food and sends out signals to feed the muscle there wont be more carbs for it, so what the body does is it goes for the stored fat and uses that to feed the muscle.

When you workout without having breakfast then instead of creating muscle, the brain uses muscle as its food for nutrients and eats up the muscle.

Each meal should have:
1 portion of protein
1 portion of carbs
1 portion of fat

to make it a good balanced fat burning diet.

1 portion = 15g

Sample Meal Plan:

Day 1

1 cup of 1% milk
1 scoop whey protein powder
6 pecans, almonds, chia seeds, flax seeds, or a tsp of peanut butter

Mid Day Snack:
1 medium size apple

½ cup of lentils
Portion of Salmon with chopped peppers (red, green & yellow) and onion
1 tsp of olive oil

Afternoon Snack:
2 medium size oranges

2 Corn tortillas
1 Portion of panela cheese
2 tsp of avocado

I hope this helps you start seeing some results. Keep me posted on how it goes and if you have any questions feel free to ask.

For a prompt reply I’m always on AIM: ytdianilu or on twitter:

Have a great day!

Much love,

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